Paulo Keller Simplicity is the soul of efficiency

About me

A little words to describe my self

I'm Paulo Keller, I'm from Brazil state of São Paulo, I work with Mobile Development since 2015. My hobbies are play video games, workout and listen to music. I love carnival, beach, parties, festivals, hardly in a bad mood and always ready for an adventure.

My Skills


mobile development

  • Native iOS Apps
  • Native Android Apps
  • Hibryd Apps using Flutter
  • Swift and Kotlin libraries
  • Deploy and store management both GooglePlay and iTunes

Knowledge Level

5 Years

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front-end development

  • Static pages (html and css only)
  • React web apps
  • Gatsby web apps
  • Hosting and Cloud deploy

Knowledge Level

4 Years

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back-end development

  • GO and Node REST APIs
  • GRPC microservices with Graphql Gateway
  • SQL and NoSQL databases

Knowledge Level

2 Years

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Projects that i developed

Destini a simple decision game

Destini is a question answer based game, that allows the user to go in to differents adventures based on their answers.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift.

See on GitHub →
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FlashChat a real time chat that allows you to answer people and comunicate together, after create an account.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift, and was integrated with firebase consuming the real time database. The app use user defaults and alamofire to allow networking.

See on GitHub →
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Pitch Perfect

An application that allows you to record audios and listen with the modified voice of a squirrel or even darth vader.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift, using the AVFoundation core library.

See on GitHub →
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A game of questions and answers to test your knowledge and score points.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift, and use some cocoa pods libraries. Developed using Model-View-Controller pattern.

See on GitHub →
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An application to create the best routes for your trips.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift and uses MapKit, CoreLocation, Combine, Pixabay API, FileManage to persist data. Developed using Viper pattern and Swift UI.

See on GitHub →
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TODO app to organize the day-to-day tasks and save whatever you need.

Technical Points

The iOS app was developed on Swift, and use Swift Realm to persist local data. Developed using Model-View-Controller pattern.

See on GitHub →
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A dictionary to translate words from the Miwok indigenous language.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Java, and use adapters to build the screens. Developed using Model-View-Controller pattern.

See on GitHub →
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Pokemon Replica

A replica of the pokemon go game.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Kotlin, and use adapters to build the screens, LocationListener to grab the user location and use google maps api.

See on GitHub →
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Court Counter

A simple app to score the points of a basketball match.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Java.

See on GitHub →
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Bank App

A simple app to manage your bank account.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Kotlin, and use adapters to present the screens. Was build using AndroidX and JetPack libraries. Developed using Model-View-ViewModel pattern, Kodein and Retrofit2.

See on GitHub →
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Quake Report

App that displays a list of recent earthquakes in the world from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) organization.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Java, and use adapters to present the screens.

See on GitHub →
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Whats for dinner

A simple app of varied menus, with some recipes and descriptions.

Technical Points

The Android app was implemented using Kotlin, and use adapters to present the screens. The app was integrated with firebase and keep tracking all the user interactions in the app. Developed using Model-View-Controller pattern.

See on GitHub →
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